A a set of instructions or ‘formula’ to solve a situation. Could be applied to your math problem, internet game, for instance.
A group of people that are identified as the final receptors of the information. For instance, a teachers audience are is pupils.
Some argument is not balanced. One side of the story (argument) seems more important than the other side. Or, one side is not checked correctly.
Breaking news
An event that just happened. The reports of the events are coming in, and details are being worked.
Byline or Author
The name of the person, or persons, that wrote/creat the news report.
A brief description of the image, photogallery, video or infographic.
Closed question
A yes or no answer type to a direct question.
Short and clear statement.
Direct speech
The speakers' words.
Something known and true about a situation, person, location, etc. It is supported by evidence.
Fake news
News that are not true or does not include all of the facts.
What is not valid, a story that comes from anyone imagination.
Headlines are phrases that sum up the main point of the story, aiming to catch the attention of the reader.
A set of questions, structured and planned in advance, asked to a person.
The person being interviewed.
The news report. The medium could be a newspaper, news site, broadcast tv, radio, etc.
The information that is reported, either the audience needs to know or wants to know. The story could be local (happening near to where you live), national (in your country) or international (outside your country).
What is considered relevant or interesting to be reported
Open question
Questions that could have multiple and more extended answers.
It is the view or idea that a person has about a situation.
Opinion article
Writing about a situation, explaining authors point of view and thinking, rather than just the facts.
Point of view/perspective
What an individual person thinks or feels about something.
The same meaning of something; not needed or no longer needed.
Reported speech
The words someone said paraphrased by a reporter.
The person who researches and writes the news story. Same as the journalist.
Some comments, story, about a situation that has not been proven and may not be accurate. Sometimes, a rumour when repeated change.
Social media
Apps and websites where users create and share content (e.g. Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Tick Tock, etc.).
Where it comes from. A source could be a press conference, an official report, a tweet, a person that whiteness something, etc. There are also anonymous source, someone one that does not want to be identified to the public.
What is reliable, real.